Diffuse Reality / Teorema Podcast: CausaliDox + TriggerRat

Feb 12, 2021 | Posts, Music

Since that day in August 2020 I came into contact with the very nice and lovely people of Diffuse Reality Records in Barcelona, a lot of things have happened! One of them is this podcast!

We have been following your music for a long time, we love it! Do you have any demo of tracks unreleases for us to listen to?

Diffuse Reality in an e-mail to me, August 2020

Now, in February 2021, I have already had three album releases with this label: The Code, Coda and Consensus Reality. A fourth album is under way, and today, to add to that list, a 40 minute podcast was released.

Released on Diffuse Reality Records / Teorema, the podcast features two CausaliDox and TriggerRat performances mixed together into nearly 40 minutes of mindbending, reality destroying soundscape. Check out the Teorema Podcast 011: TriggerRat (live) below.

  • CausaliDox – Blastshadows On The Ruins Of An Exploded Mind
  • TriggerRat – Session1023 – Have I Destroyed You Yet.

Teorema Podcast 011: TriggerRat (live)

The podcast was released on Soundcloud.

An attempt to unblock myself – Writing

In the next couple of blogs, I will talk about how technology helps me to get my ideas out into the world. I’ll also reflect upon my ambitions and goals. In this blog I focus on writing.

An attempt to unblock myself

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Just a dream

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Released 5 years ago today – Summer Of ’92

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Sampling into Assimil8or

Today I decided to sample some non-electronic instruments into my Eurorack sampler. A tabla, a cabasa, a wooden flute and some pillbottles.

A critic in time

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A synth sci-fi short story

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Lost in a memory hole

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Bob Knutton – It Sates Itself On Doubt

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