by Marcus | Mar 3, 2013 | Music Video, Posts
Shot in an abandoned hotel, lost in the woods for over 30 years, I present to you the new music video for Distel’s track “hxxx”. Location Scouting Distel and I spent some time talking about his new track, the ideas behind it, the lyrics (in Japanese...
by Marcus | Oct 13, 2012 | Music Video, Posts
Update Time goes by so fast, when you´re busy! I can´t believe that it´s already been so long since the last update. There´s lots of news so let me just jump right in! Black Devil Disco Club During the summer I got in contact with French electro legend Black Devil...
by Marcus | Feb 12, 2012 | Posts, Music Video
Don’t you just long for summer, when it’s this cold? =) It’s been some time since I’ve updated the blog, that’s because I’ve been very busy over the last months. In my regular life, I have a job and in October, that job changed. I...