New Distel music video released!

New Distel music video released!

Shot in an abandoned hotel, lost in the woods for over 30 years, I present to you the new music video for Distel’s track “hxxx”. Location Scouting Distel and I spent some time talking about his new track, the ideas behind it, the lyrics (in Japanese...
BDDC, new Distel musicvideo and The Gathering BTS

BDDC, new Distel musicvideo and The Gathering BTS

Update Time goes by so fast, when you´re busy! I can´t believe that it´s already been so long since the last update. There´s lots of news so let me just jump right in! Black Devil Disco Club During the summer I got in contact with French electro legend Black Devil...
Updates! Distel, Zeno, Rodèlle and more

Updates! Distel, Zeno, Rodèlle and more

Don’t you just long for summer, when it’s this cold? =) It’s been some time since I’ve updated the blog, that’s because I’ve been very busy over the last months. In my regular life, I have a job and in October, that job changed. I...