Fuck This Feeling

Gettin’ all fuzzyIt’s creepin’ up on me I’m gettin’ all dizzyGotta turn upside down to see Gotta keep breathin’But it’s knocking the wind out of me Have to try not to believewhat I am feeling today


I hope, that when she comes,she comes to take me away. I hope she won’t wait, nor linger, nor hesitateI hope she sweeps me up, she will not procrastinateBut will she come? Can I wait, can I stand sludgy time?Slug-like, near-dead-bug-like, childhood afternoon...


I’ve waitedand i’ve botheredI’ve forgottenand forgivenStill the cloudsdrift by accusingly A forgotten volcanoin an oceanFar awayNo fire leftHigh above the cloudsThey fly


Why does every momenttake so much goddamntime?If it weren’t forthese eyesThese triesAttempts at the throneThe immovableunshakableMajesty of eternityNot enough breathNot even enough concentrationto finishA single sentenceWithout blinking


What………is…………itAre you okay? Are you listening? I really want to go out… I really don’t want to go out… What is that thing… oh it’s just a body… Nothing to worry about… She’s...