Photobook The Island now available online

Aug 17, 2015 | Posts

The Island

Near the end of 2013, I spent a few days by myself on an island in the North Sea. I had to take some time to reflect, think over the past year and look forward to the future. I wandered around alone on a cold, dark island, but when I started to look through my lens, I became mesmerized. The island had captured me.

Everything I saw reflected my mood, or maybe I was projecting my mood out through the lens. These photos are about desolation, feeling alone. However, in the end I realized that you are never completely alone on this blue marble (or on an island in the North Sea).

I had a great experience capturing these images, although I guess I sort of missed 2013 turning into 2014. I decided to make these images available for anyone who wants to own them in a photobook.

Order online

As of today you can order my photobook “The Island” online!

It is printed on high-quality, sustainably sourced paper by Blurb Books, has 36 pages and will arrive within two weeks at your home address!

An attempt to unblock myself – Writing

In the next couple of blogs, I will talk about how technology helps me to get my ideas out into the world. I’ll also reflect upon my ambitions and goals. In this blog I focus on writing.

An attempt to unblock myself

For many years now, I have enacted violence upon myself by stifling my thoughts and expressions. It is time for change.

A Journey Through Our Cosmic Neighborhood

My dad who is nearly 81 years old, is really into space. I thought it would be fun to write a basic introduction to the cosmos for him.

Just a dream

I’ve been frustrated, thinking of selling my studio. Meanwhile I released an album and tried to find inspiration again. This weekend I recorded “Just A Dream”.

Released 5 years ago today – Summer Of ’92

5 years ago today Shipwrec released my CausaliDox EP Summer Of ’92. In this post I take a look back and talk about what the tracks mean to me.

Sampling into Assimil8or

Today I decided to sample some non-electronic instruments into my Eurorack sampler. A tabla, a cabasa, a wooden flute and some pillbottles.

A critic in time

Today I spent some time selecting poems I wrote in my early 20’s for the website. It feels strange to critique myself and my poetry 20-some years later.

A synth sci-fi short story

I’m not recording. I’ve decided to just let this happen. It’s been going on for a while now. And I think it is probably too late anyway.

Lost in a memory hole

I’m not sure what happened. I got lost in a memory hole tonight. Well, I can reconstruct it, sort of. And it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

Bob Knutton – It Sates Itself On Doubt

Ventured into darker regions today, tribal modular drums, echoing and distorted thrust me into the gloom. I explain how I recorded the track and what gear I used.