Semi-acoustic performances GeselXL 2010

Dec 2, 2010 | Film, Posts

After filming the Chapelsessions in the summer of 2010, I was asked once again by the local branch of VPRO Broadcasting Company to film a series of semi-acoustic sessions. These sessions were part of the Gesel XL 2010 Music Festival. I shot the sessions on two Panasonic DVX100B’s and created an intro for them.

Here’s the intro:

There were performances by:

  • The Jacobites
  • En Vélo
  • Marcel Verbeek
  • The James
  • Phoenix Park

I also filmed interviews with all of these bands. Check out all the GeselXl videos on vimeo.

Sampling into Assimil8or

Today I decided to sample some non-electronic instruments into my Eurorack sampler. A tabla, a cabasa, a wooden flute and some pillbottles.

A critic in time

Today I spent some time selecting poems I wrote in my early 20’s for the website. It feels strange to critique myself and my poetry 20-some years later.

A synth sci-fi short story

I’m not recording. I’ve decided to just let this happen. It’s been going on for a while now. And I think it is probably too late anyway.

Lost in a memory hole

I’m not sure what happened. I got lost in a memory hole tonight. Well, I can reconstruct it, sort of. And it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

Bob Knutton – It Sates Itself On Doubt

Ventured into darker regions today, tribal modular drums, echoing and distorted thrust me into the gloom. I explain how I recorded the track and what gear I used.

CausaliDox on NTRFRNZ Radioshow

This past week the track There Is Nothing In The World from my CausaliDox album Between The Leaves Lies Eternity opened the excellent NTRFRNZ radio show in Brasil.

sonOnos – Tomorrow

Got lost in the machines today. It was nice. 

CausaliDox – Cohort Death Signal

I wanted to make the Pro-One sound dangerous. Things started building from there. It sounds like an existential threat.

website redesign finished

Over the past 6 weeks I have worked on redesigning my website. It was hard work, but I am so glad I stuck with it, because I am quite happy with the redesign.

CausaliDox – You’ll Know When

The first track in 6 weeks. I have been busy, distracted, agitated, frustrated... Does one instinctively sense the end of things? I wonder. I'd hope I'd know. You'll know when I know. Gear...

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