The Things I Saw Today

The Things I Saw Today [2020]

In the summer of 2020 I forced myself to go outside to escape the self-imposed isolation that, even if there had been no pandemic, was a part of my daily life anyway.

The world looked grim, the things I saw loomed dark and ominous against a severe sky. As I traversed an apocalyptic landscape projected from my mind onto the outside world, I felt the pull of oblivion.


The images below were shot on a Canon 5D mkII with a Canon 24mm EF f/2.8. They were edited in Adobe’s Creative Suite 6 with Magic Bullet Looks and Filmconvert.

Buy a limited edition print

These works are available for purchase as limited edition fine art prints on archival paper in large format (140 cm x 59,6 cm). Contact me for details. Scroll down for the entire series.